社長辻󠄀治俊的訪談在Cointelegraph Japan上發表了 2020.02.062020.01.14Cointelegraph Japan上已經發表了BTCBOX代表辻󠄀治俊(Tsutsuji Harujioshi)的採訪,採訪中他談到了2020年對加密貨幣的展望以及BTCBOX對加密貨幣的理解。如果您對此感興趣,歡迎瀏覽。(採訪文章) The interview of our CEO is published on Cointelegraph JapanThe interview of the CEO of BTCBOX Tsuji Harutoshi is published on Cointelegraph Japan. With the outlook of the year 2020, he talks about the Company’s aim of ideal cryptocurrency. We have the English translation as well, so make sure to take a look at it.