We are back with Marc Friedrich and his new Book The Biggest Chance of All Times. Friedrich gives us insight of how damaging the Corona pandemic has been for the economy and how it has exposed the governments even more than before. However, every crisis is a chance for the average person to get through it and come out even stronger with a much brighter future.
Interview Date : 22th March 2021
What is your newest book about?
The last book was called The Biggest Crash of All Times, but the new book is called The Biggest Chance of All Times because every crisis is also a chance. I wanted to give people some perspective and positive things for the future to look forward to. I started thinking about the positive things in this COVID-19 crisis, like what people can achieve, and where the possibilities and opportunities lie in this crisis. I think it is the biggest chance in our lifetime to invest during this crisis because our current monetary system is wholly disordered, and our political system is completely broken. Politicians don’t seem to have any other decisions than to put people in lockdowns. Everything has become corrupt and our system is not human anymore.

What kind of assets should people invest in?
In my book, I show how to invest and what the possibilities for a new system are, not only in terms of the monetary system but politically and socially as well. Investing in Bitcoin right now is one of those opportunities because our whole monetary system will eventually collapse. Trust in institutions and politicians everywhere will shatter and disappear, and we will see a paradigm shift happening that no one can’t stop. It will not be stopped by the printing press from central banks, lockdowns, etc., and during this time you have to make new decisions with your money and investments. If you make the right decisions, it will change everything. I think bitcoin will inhale everything as it is so much more powerful and superior than our fiat monetary system.
Isn’t the government there for the people?
Japan included, there is no empathy from politicians for the people anymore. People are being kept restrained and forced to be the hamster on the wheel. The system is making people work until they die with now fruit of their work or pension for retirement to be seen. What and where is the goal with our current system? Where are politicians headed with this? What has the meaning of life become today? People just work constantly until their deathbed, but there should be more to life than just working and consuming energy to work even more. There’s more to life than this slave cycle.
You want to look back on your life and say “I achieved something” or “I made something great out of my life” when you die. Now, during this crisis, we have a chance to acquire that freedom again by taking our biggest chance to get out of this damaged system.
What needs to change from a political perspective?
From a political perspective, we need direct democracy where the people can vote for everything. For example, whether there will be a kindergarten, a bridge or if a new political program should be executed. Also, the power given to politicians should be limited, and elected politicians should have some type of qualification before they get the job. People should be able to directly vote them in and out. Lastly, if they make a big mistake, they should have to pay for it from their pockets.
Right now, when politicians make mistakes, they act as if it is not a big deal wasting millions of dollars. For example, the Berlin Airport (BER) in the Brandenburg fiasco is one of those mistakes. They created the airport envisioning that the BER would become an international hub that was supposed to open in 2011. However, its infrastructure cost the nation so much and it was so badly planned that complaints from citizens and institutions, including the Deutsche Bahn and other international airports, were received. Today, the airport is almost always empty of travelers. Despite this disaster, no one was punished or charged with anything. That has to change. Just like every private person and a private company has to pay for their mistakes, so should authorities.
What is missing in our political system?
We’re missing intelligence in politics and our system, and I think we need artificial intelligence to support our politicians because through math and programming, mathematically valid outcomes that are positive for society can be calculated. The people should vote for what AI is able to support things like long-term stability for the economy, education, be environmentally friendly measures with no or less adverse effects, etc.
Currently, most politicians act and plan things for the short-term in order to appeal to the public and be elected. AI doesn’t come with such greed. The goal would be to have AI in power for us to help us to get a mathematically better system because the weakest link in the political system is mankind – We are corrupt.
From a social level, you can see the distortion by looking outside your window. We have destroyed our environment while fighting against each other. I don’t know about any other species that are fighting amongst each other as we humans do – creating wars and terror.
Why is Bitcoin the biggest chance to get through the pandemic?
Bitcoin is separate from governments and central banks as it is deflationary and scarce. It’s a great opportunity to save your purchasing power, and it is a punk rock against this fiat system and politicians. If people would invest in Bitcoin, precious metals, mining stocks, etc., they would have a chance in preserving their purchasing power. And, the people who invest smartly today, will be on the top of the wealth pyramid tomorrow. The wealth pyramid we have today will just turn over in favor of the lower and middle class.
Are crises important?
Crises are important because they complete cycles. When the next biggest crisis of all times hits, we will come to a new level of awareness. It doesn’t matter if you are black or white, Asian or European, female or male, if you go to a church or mosque, etc., it is about whether you are “arrogant and self-absorbed” or “ a good person.” I judge people based on their virtues and their behavior, and it doesn’t matter to me what and from where you are. We have to get past the ridiculous superstitions of our cultures like, “that person is Jewish so he can’t be hateful” or “he is white, so he must be a good guy.”
Why do we have the highest number of people fleeing their countries in such an exciting time for technology?
Because mankind is stupid. Let’s take a look at all the countries with conflict and wars; the ideas of the “religious” leaders spread propaganda to echo in people’s ears creating hate and segregation. Even though the younger generation is looking at education as a key for their future but it is not implemented on a mass scale adequately.
I believe these “leaders” in authority don’t want people to become educated to get their way of things in an outdated conservatism. Another issue in those countries is daylight corruption and greed.
It is really interesting to me that in all pure forms of religions, people would think about the importance of life, and what would be and not be allowed to spend a virtuous life. All religions talk about the 7 deadly sins of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth, but the interpreters are twisting it by adding words in their favor.
Nevertheless, there have been common laws and norms all over the world amongst mankind to live in peace just like the 7 deadly sins. We have to look back on that as it sets the foundation for living together as humans in peace. I would like to take it a step further and say we don’t need borders. We can achieve more together than separated. For example, China is vast and quite diverse with a population of nearly 1.4 billion – the economic growth achieved is amazing. Now, imagine if we could do that as humans without borders.
Who does corruption hit the hardest?
Corrupt systems always hit the weakest the hardest. Our monetary system is broken, and we have to increase its debt every year just to keep it in one piece for as long as possible. We need a new monetary system that is fair, democratic, and human. The current monetary system in the west is not at war or conflict, but it’s a modern form of slavery.
In my book, I show all kinds of cycles of systems in history, and when you understand the cycles, you can predict the future. For example, in the Roman Empire, hyperinflation ended the cycle for that empire as their monetary system collapsed. They had a sound monetary system with gold and silver called aureus and solidus, but the further they expanded the empire, it started to shatter and get more corrupt. Back then, 20% of the Roman Empire was dependent on the social welfare “bread and circuses”. Even though it was very expensive, the empire knew that if people wouldn’t be given bread and circuses, a revolution would break out. So, the empire had no choice but to give it to the people until it couldn’t anymore, and ultimately broke apart.
This is exactly what is happening to our monetary system today. Politicians are talking about universal income and cheap Netflix & chill to keep us entertained in the quiet dark. Now they have the pandemic as the next excuse to lock us down, print and tax us even more. They are also talking about an extension of the period for the lockdown to keep the system running. It is stupid but they don’t know any better.
However, we cannot forget that money printing did start much earlier before the COVID-19 crisis. This monetary system, in which money is created out of thin air, leads from one speculation to another. Now, I think we are in the last phase of this bubble speculation, and when this bubble bursts, it will be game over.
Will Germany default?
Germany will default because we print like never before. Right now, Germany might look strong, but this is just another cycle. I see a very dark future for Germany because we have wasted all our potential. After all, incompetent politicians wasted all our wealth on stupid projects. They didn’t invest in social and economic infrastructure; we still don’t have a good internet infrastructure let alone the physical facilities needed – it is outdated and second-rate. We need streets, bridges, schools, kindergartens, better internet, etc. For example, bridges for railways and the train infrastructure are 100 years old on average.
Is only Germany at stake?
I think we have some very dark years ahead of us for northern Europe and G20 countries. You can recognize that by looking at our demographics. Germany, Japan, and most of the countries in Europe are experiencing a change in their demographics; we produce fewer children, people are living longer lives, and we can’t afford to pay back our senior citizens for their service to the country.
During this crisis, we have already created more money than all other last 3 crises together. COVID-19 showed us how fragile and incompetent our politicians are, and what kind of a death spiral of credit debt we are in. Even though the dollar is the most used and trusted currency today, I expect it to collapse as well.
Interviewer , Editor : Lina Kamada
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