API, abbreviation for “Application Programming Interface”, is a data communication mechanism that can be utilized when linking with external services etc. By using API, you can acquire real time exchange data, and conduct automated trading by the means of trade tools and programming without opening the trading screen on BTCBOX. BTCBOX API functions are all available for free. Please click here for more about API.
Two kinds of Keys, public and private, for API that is provided by BTCBOX
Public API
With the public API that anyone can access freely, the following information can be acquired for each cryptocurrency type(BTC・ETH・BCH・LTC) that is traded within our exchange.
- Chart Information (High Price ・Low Price・Buy Quotation・Sell Quotation・Trading Volume)
- Order Book Information(Order Price・Amount)
- Execution Information (Execution Date and Time・Price・Amount・Order ID)
Private API
Private API can only used by the customers who have opened an account at BTCBOX, and completed Identification Verification. In order to use it, you need to acquire a character string called an API Key.
Private API is also divided into two types of authorities. The first is “Data Acquisition Authority” which allows the customer to acquire data of the customers balance and execution information etc. The second is “All Authority” which allows the customer to conduct requests and cancellations of buy and sell orders in practice.
Hence, in case your acquired API Key is leaked to a third party, and the assets are manipulated・traded without the customer’s designated intent, the customer may suffer loss. Please make sure to manage your API Key securely.
Available Data with “Data Acquisition Authority”
- Each cryptocurrency type and Japanese Yen Balance
- Each cryptocurrency deposit Address
- Order Information (Order date and time・Price・Amount・Non-Executed amount)
Available Service with “All Authority”
- Buy and Sell Order Request (Amount・Price)
- Order Cancellation
Link with External Service
Customers who hold an account in the personal financial management web service “Money Forward ME” can use the API Key, and link it with the real time balance data in BTCBOX. Please click here for more information regarding linking method.