Notification about the Bitcoin Cash(BCH) Upgrade

Here is the notification about our policy on upgrade of Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Estimated Time period: 2019/05/15

Our company, by the influence of upgrade, we will temporary suspend the deposit/withdrawal service of BCH.

Suspend time of deposit/withdrawal of BCH: May 15th, 2019 12:00 JST

The BCH transactions and trading during that period can be done as usual.

As this upgrade is a network specification change, the occurrence of a new token is not expected.

But, in case of any emergency occurs, we will keep a snapshot at the time of the upgrade happening.

We will pay close attention to future developments and promptly announce any new decisions that related to.


·No user will do anything concerning the transition to the new chain. It is done automatically.

·Depend on the upgrade situation, there is a possibility that our correspondence will be changed.