The campaign has ended
There is just a little time left for this year to come to an end. There is just a little time left for this year to come to an end. What kind of a year do you think 2020 was?
If you had to express the Crypto Space 2020 in one word, what word would you choose? Tweet the One Word you choose on Twitter. An award will be given to those participating.
Let’s look back on 2020 together with BTCBOX.
Last year, we search for the Kanji of the Year, and the chosen Kanji representing 2019 was 「泡:Bubble」
STEP 1(Twitter Post)
Tweet about the One Word you think suits the 2020 Crypto Space on your own Twitter account.
* You have to meet all the following requirements in order to take part and be selected.
- Write the One word in your Tweet with the hashtag#cryptooneword
- Reason for why you chose the word
- It has to be relevant to Crypto and Blockchain
- It shall not contain any content that is directly abusive to any individual or group
- Post your Tweet by the Deadline for selection by Dec. 21th 2020 JST time.(The due date of the event has been postponed until Dec. 21st.)
- Your Tweet has to appear correctly in the search field ( in case it is not appearing correctly, please click here)

STEP 2(Selection of Tweet)
After clearing STEP 1, 4 Tweets (4 candidates) will be chosen with the following method
- Tweet with most likes
Selection Results Publish period: Mid December (scheduled)
STEP 3(Post of Twitter)
On the official BTCBOX Twitter, we will Vote for the 4 selected Candidates from STEP 2
1st Prize :Bitcoin 1,000,000 Satoshi x 1 Person
2nd Prize : Bitcoin 500,000 Satoshi x 3 People
( 9th December 2020, the current price for 1,000,000 Satoshi is approx. 182 USD, and 500,000 is approx. 91 USD)
【Important Notice】
Selected participants will be limited to One tweet per One Account.
Even in case the same word is posted by several accounts, as long as the content is different and the account holder meets all the requirements, all submissions will be taken into consideration.
※ The people who are not able to take contact with us through Twitter DMs, are not eligible for any prize.
※ Depending on certain circumstances, please note that the implementation date may change.
※ In regard to any schedule changes, we will notify it through our official Twitter account.